Cardamom Pods/Sha Ren
A member of the cardamom family, Cardamom Pods, is an aromatic herb with a strong ability to alleviate intestinal pain and digestive discomfort by moving qi and transforming dampness.
Helps with:
Abdominal Pain
How it Heals
In Chinese Medicine, Cardamom Pods promotes the movement of Qi, and aromatically transforms dampness. It helps move what we call “food stagnation,” that feeling when the stomach feels too full after eating. Whether it be from overeating, eating foods that disagree with you, or a weakened digestive system, Amomum is here to help!
In Western medicine, Amomum Fruit is used as an analgesic for abdominal pain, and has been shown to relax contractions in the small intestine.
Fun Fact: Aromatic herbs, also called carminatives, are used to relieve what TCM refers to as dampness in the body. Dampness can look like water retention, bloating, phlegm, or an overall feeling of heaviness or sluggishness. Amomum Fruit's fragrant smell is a strong indicator of its ability to help transform symptoms of dampness.
What the research says
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